Tailor-made development processes with people
in the center

Leader Development

Team Development


Our professional principles

We treasure being anchored in methods and theories that are applicable in practice:
• Learning continuously is a condition for being able to go on delivering
• The outcome of developmental efforts will be best secured through work on all levels; individual, group, and organizational
• Learning through an experience-based pedagogy
• Planned, stepwise change leadership
• All our thinking and methods have a holistic focus
• We combine systems and organizational perspectives with gestalt thinking

We believe in:
• Tailor-made programs
• Anchored and long-term process management
• The need to combine consciousness and training when developing human resources

We do not believe in:
• Organizational development without human development
• Leader development without personal development
• Forcing standard training packages down people’s throats

Our Services

  • Module based
  • Mapping with 360 degrees feedback
  • Training based on mapping
  • Individual plans for training
  • Realistic and concrete learning situations
  • Simulations using video recording
  • Emphasizing personal and professional development
  • Training in gestalt guiding/coaching
  • Development of the company parallel to the development of the individual
  • Make the basis of the team work clear: Common goals, structure for co-operation, values of acting together
  • Expand knowledge of each other
  • Observe the team at work and give honest feedback
  • Feedback both on a team level and on an individual level
  • Making clear demands and expectations between team members/leader
  • Skill training
  • Coaching as a strategic HR action in the organization
  • Feedback to the organization about thematic patterns that emerge through coaching
  • Authentic relation between coach and coachee
  • Coaching as job related personal professional development
  • Interview guide adapted to the aims of the mapping process
  • Individual, personal interviews
  • Descriptive feedback through the informants’ own words
  • Recommendations related to themes that emerge as central in the analysis of data
  • Preparing the ground for planning, implementation and evaluation
  • Strengthening the competence of key persons for leadership and change, parallel to carrying through the change project
  • Introduction to main principles. Demonstration of, and training in, central methods
  • Parallel introduction to basic skills for good communication
  • Practical individual training
  • Emphasis on self-awareness as coach
  • Our Services

    Leader development

  • Module based
  • Mapping with 360 degrees feedback
  • Training based on mapping
  • Individual plans for training
  • Realistic and concrete learning situations
  • Simulations using video recording
  • Emphasizing personal and professional development
  • Training in gestalt guiding/coaching
  • Development of the company parallel to the development of the individual
  • Teamutvikling

  • Make the basis of the team work clear: Common goals, structure for co-operation, values of acting together
  • Expand knowledge of each other
  • Observe the team at work and give honest feedback
  • Feedback both on a team level and on an individual level
  • Making clear demands and expectations between team members/leader
  • Skill training
  • Coaching

  • Coaching as a strategic HR action in the organization
  • Feedback to the organization about thematic patterns that emerge through coaching
  • Authentic relation between coach and coachee
  • Coaching as job related personal professional development
  • Mapping of work site culture

  • Interview guide adapted to the aims of the mapping process
  • Individual, personal interviews
  • Descriptive feedback through the informants’ own words
  • Recommendations related to themes that emerge as central in the analysis of data
  • Change implementation

  • Preparing the ground for planning, implementation and evaluation
  • Strengthening the competence of key persons for leadership and change, parallel to carrying through the change project
  • Tuition, coaching and guidance

  • Introduction to main principles. Demonstration of, and training in, central methods
  • Parallel introduction to basic skills for good communication
  • Practical individual training
  • Emphasis on self-awareness as coach
  • Let's have a chat

    Together we
    shape the future.

    Tailor-made development processes with people at the centre